In which class of the belles lettres the productions are nu- merous; consisting of 1. Xeniola. Poems, including Translationsfrom Schiller old De la Motte Fouqui. By JOHN ANSTER,......
In this branch Of literature there are two publications. Prince PIICKLER MUSKAU'S Adventures in Algiers and other Parts of *lea, in 3 vols. from Mr. BENTLEY; and from Mr.......
Picciol A, Or Captivity Captive.
Tins romance is it philosophical novel, which narrates, with the indescribable felicity of manner that seems peculiar to French writers, the conversion of an atheistical Count......
Sir A. Il Faulrner's Rambling Tour Through France,...
ITALY. Tuts discursive narrative of a Continental rambler over well- trodden ground, is thrown into the shape of letters " by the advice of the printer, as more fitted for its......
Biography. '
The First Volume of the long-talked-of Memoirs of The Life of Sir Miner Scott, by Mr. LOCKHART. Johnsoniana. A very judicious, amusing, and instructive selec- tion from the......
Under this head, the work of the highest merit is most pro- bably Mr. W,urn's vtrations if Haman Li fe; though the au- thor denies the intention of writing a novel even in the......
Progress Of Publication.
LIKE tlie creatures that Scripture speaks of, the publishers know their appointea time. and are ebviously on the look-ont for the approaching holydays, when Parliamentary......
Classical Literature.
P. Terentii Afri Comedite Sex. With Explanatory Notes, by D. B. Deem, LL.D. The Antiquities qf Greece. By JOIIN POTTER, D.D. 117th Notes and Improved Indices, by JAMES BOYD,......