Have Now In This Closely Printed Volume Of More Than
five hundred pages, a report of the papers read and of the discussions which were thus originated. Among the readers of papers were Mr. Lloyd Jones, Sir Thomas Brassey, Miss......
Woodhouse Grove School : Memorials And Reminiscences. By...
Ellngg. (T. Woolmer.)—Woodhouse Grove was bought by the Wes- leyan Conference and opened as a school for the sons of ministers in 1812. In 1882 it was transferred to a company,......
Chaucer : The Tale Of The Man Of Lawe. With
Life, Grammar, Notes, and an Etymological Glossary. (W. and R. Chambers.)—It is a pleasure to notice and recommend an edition of. an English classic so well and carefully......
Nposaua Eaxavata : Prooemia Grceca 3 A Book Of Easy
and Entertain- ing Extracts in Attic Greek, Introductory to the Fuller Study of the Greek Authors. With Notes and Complete Vocabularies. By Alexander Waugh Young, M.A. (Simpkin,......
Record Of Services Of Madras Civilians, 1741-1858. By...
Prinsep. (Triibner and Co.)—A book of dates and names, not attractive to the general reader, but of value to the historian, and of interest to many families in whom the Civil......
Pitt Press Series: [osi Juli Ccesaris] De Bello Calico,...
Octavus, with a Map and English Notes, by A. G. Peskett, M.A., Fellow of Magdalen College, Cambridge ; edited for the Syndics of the Univer- sity Press, Cambridge, at the......
"clarendon Press Series": .eschylus, Cluxphoroi. With...
By A. Sidgwick, M.A. (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1884)—The name of the editor of this play, as of that which we shall next notice, "The Frogs," by Mr. Merry, will be a guarantee......