18 FEBRUARY 1882, page 3

The Italians Appear Quite Determined To Try Very Large...

in Parliamentary reform. Both Houses have already passed a law establishing a simple educational qualifi- cation, every adult male being entitled to vote, provided he can read......

West London Was In Alarm On Thursday Evening. An Out-

rider, riding by the Royal carriage near the gate of Buckingham Palace, was thrown, and the evening papers gave accounts of the incident. The newsboys, with their customary......

The Errington Story Has Been Disposed Of At Last. Sir

C. Dilke on Wednesday, in the House of Commons, and Lord Granville on Thursday, in the House of Lords, both explained that Mr. Errington was not sent on any Mission to the......

Mr. Cowen Intends, We Perceive, To "call Attention" To The

conduct of Lord Ripon in subscribing £1,000 for Mr. Rowland- son's expenses in the North Riding, and of Lord Zetland in sending voters to the poll in his own carriage. He should......

The Insurrection In Dalmatia Against Austria Is Taking...

of a regular Slav demonstration. In a manifesto just issued by the Insurgents, they declare that privileges guaranteed to them by treaty have been violated; that they will......

On Wednesday, At Balboni, Sir S. Northcote Addressed Some Of

the branches of the East Surrey Conservative Association, and took pains to throw cold water on the violence of some of his partisans, and to speak somewhat disparagingly of......

Mr. Ashrnead-bartlett Delivered One Of His Wild Harangues...

politics on Wednesday, setting forth that the Ministry had alienated Germany, and interfered in Egypt, and allowed Russia to advance 600 miles,—Russia, which had 4,000,000......

Lord Salisbury Made A Speech At The Mansion House On

Tues- -day, in favour of Lady Bective's movement for forcing the fabrics made out of English wools and woollens into fashion. He ad- mitted that the purchase of these things was......

Consols Were On Friday Kc To 104.
