18 APRIL 1835, page 7

Sir Michael Shaw Stewart Wks The Only Professed Liberal At

a grand dinner given by Sir Robert Peel on Saturday last. The Jupiter frigate now fi tting out at Sheerness for the conveyance of the new Governor - to Calcutta, will be ready......

Opiitiond Of Tbe Prern.

ARGUMENTS FOR AND AGAINST A COALITION OF WHIGS AND TORIES. TIMES—The people must he satisfied whether the constitutional feeling under which Lord Duncannon seemed disposed to......

The Army.

Orrice or ORDICINCII.April 10.--Royal Rest. of Artillery—First Lieut. ILL. Cogs . nelius to le Second Cept. vice Sir W. Smith. deceased; Second Lieut. W. H. Elliott toe be First......

The Celebrated Baron Humboldt, The Scientific Traveller,...

the Prussian Ministers of State, died at Berlin on the 7th of April, in his sixty-eighth year. King Louis Philip intends to visit the South of France in the -course of next......