17 SEPTEMBER 1943, page 22

Finance And Investment

By CUSTOS THESE are puzzling days for investors. It is not merely that it is still anybody's guess whether final victory is relatively dose at hand or far off ; but none of us......

Amphibious Warfare And Combined Operations. By A Dmiral O

Shorter Notices the Fleet the Lord Keyes. (Cambridge University Press. 4s. 6d.) Tuts volume , contains the text of the Lees Knowles lectures delivered at Cambridge this year.......

The German Army Of Today. By Wilhelm Necker. (lindsay Drum-

mond. 6s.) THIS clearly-written and well-arranged account of the organisation and weapons of the German Army will be a valuable reference book. It will be useful not only to the......


So Near To Heaven. By Mary Lutyens. (Michael Joseph. 8s. 6d.) " Soho likes Rooshans and some likes Prooshans "—though even Mrs. Gamp could hardly get away with such broad......