17 MAY 1957, page 24

Sahara Adventure, By J. Mortimer Sheppard (jarrolds,...

American writer with another wife and three smallish children takes the family on a world trip. The title is grossly misleading, only forty-five of the 208 pages being devoted......


The Helicopter. By Jacob Shapiro. (Muller, 21s.) WHATEVER happened to the helicopter anyway?- In the Thirties any schoolboy could have told you that by 1957 the sky would be......

The Sacraments

The Theology of the Sacraments, and other papers. By D. M. Baillie. With a biographi- cal essay by John Baillie. (Faber, I 6s.) A DEVOUT upbringing in a country manse, a......

Yugoslav Adventure, By William Woods (deutsch, 15s.):...

off to Yugoslavia with his wife and three small daughters and potters-about, seeing a good deal and divin- ing even more with a bright, self-conscious eye. They meet Tito, who......