Fine Arts.
THE ROYAL COMMISSION. THE first fruits of the Royal Commission surpass the most sanguine expectations, in respect both of quality and quantity the artists have shown themselves......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
BIRTHS. On the 1st of June, at Eaton Square, the Latta' MARY CHRISTOPHER. of a daughter. On the 6th, at St. Paul's Parsonage, Birmingham, the Lady of the Rev. COLIN CAIIPBELL,......
East India Shipping.
The Guide. Sercombe, from Liverpool to Calcutta, was wrecked on the North-east end of Rua Vista, on the 7th March; crew saved. ARRIVED-At Gravesend, 13th June. Thetis. Evans,......
Commercial Gazette.
Tuesday, June 13. PAKTNE RAH IPS DISSOLVED. Deptford Iron Company. Sunderland; as far as regards Chaster and Webster - Clarke and Co. Sunderlaud, engine builders; as far as......
Military Gazette.
WAR-OFFICE. June 16.-1st Regt, Life Guards-Lieut. Lord T. C. P. Clinton to be Capt. by purchase, v ice Brevet Major C. Hall. who retires; Cornet and Sub Lieut. G. 'II. Cavendish......