17 JANUARY 1920, page 23

The Fungal Diseases Of The Common Larch. By W. E.

Riley. (Clarendon Press. 12s. 6d. net.)—This instructive book is a product of the Oxford School of Forestry, and is published with the assistance of the Development Commission.......

A Zoovenir. By C. H. B. (dublin : The Royal

Zoological Society of Ireland. Is. net.)—Mr. Bretherton is one of Mr. Punch's nest of singing birds, and his work is characterized by the ease, the polished neatness, and the......

Histoire De R Empire Byzantin. Par Charles Diehl. (paris...

Diehl, one of the brilliant band of French Byzantine scholars, has condescended to write a short history of the Byzantine Empire. It is a very able and stimulating little book.......

With Our Army In Palestine. By Antony Bluett. (melrose. Fis

6d. net.)—This readable book by an ex-gunner describes the Palestine campaign from the first advance beyond the Canal to the final battle and pursuit of the routed Turks, The......

The Dial Of Princes. By Don Anthony Of Guevara. (philip

Allan. 10s. 6d. net.)—It was a pleasant idea to begin a new " Scholar's Library " with this scholarly edition, by Mr. K. N. Colvile, of select passages from a famous......

Messrs. Stanford Have Added To Their " London Atlas Series

" a good political map of Africa, printed in colours, on a scale of 254 miles to an inch (4s.). The political destiny of the ex-German colonies is indicated tentatively, though......