17 FEBRUARY 1939, page 16

It Would Be Unfortunate If That Unity For Which Mr.

Eden pleaded so courteously last Sunday, were to be sacrificed to any refusal to admit past errors of judgement. Let the anti-Munich party confess that they underestimated the......

People And Things

By HAROLD NICOLSON A LTHOUGH not by all means a Conservative (since I am also a Socialist and a Liberal), yet I have a pro- found admiration for the Conservative party. It seems......

The Strength Of The Expert Conservative Is That He Is

always right. Had the Central Office existed in 153o (and I expect it did) it would have affirmed that the sun went round the earth, and that Copernicus and Galileo were......

Much Do I Admire Also The High Spirits, The Eternal

boyish- ness, with which the Conservative party makes virtues out of its necessities. When fleeing, with exemplary courage, from an enemy, the legs of the Conservative twinkle......

It Will Be Interesting To Observe, Now That Appeasement Has

spread from Czecho-Slovakia to Spain, whether the cracks and fissures which appeared in the structure of the National Government will be repaired. Those of us who asserted that......

The Digestive Capacity Of The Conservative Party Is,...

So solvent are the juices of their charm and generosity that even the staunchest Liberal National, even the most ardent believer in National Labour, undergoes a chemical......