A United States Trooper On The Late Was.
YES, we've taken Santiago. It cost a lively scrap; But scrappin's what we come here for, So we don't care a rap. We've dug our share of trenches And graves to plant our dead,......
Lord Kitchener's Project.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. " ] SIR,—No genuine protest is ineffectual. The most pessimistic of philanthropists might take this comfort to his soul on reading the......
Bishop Wilson In The Isle Of Man.
[TO TEN EDITOR OP TIM " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I think it is in Traill's "History of the Isle of Man" (a work commended and quoted by Sir Walter Scott) that there is a description of......
A "bull" Indeed.
[TO TIM EDITOR OF THN "SFNCTATOR."] SIR,—Your correspondent "S. G.," in the Spectator for December 3rd, suggests the subjoined "bull" as the subject for an epigram. Is the......
ORION. Lo ! with glittering sword And gleaming baldric The midnight Hunter, Star-clad Orion, Stands o'er the eastern hill, Lord of the darkling earth And shimmering sky. Fair,......
The Liberal Leadership.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE •Srsorieros.-1 SIE,—The Spectator has been my welcome companion on Sunday afternoons for several years, and in the course of this time I have read many......