The Transatlantic Advices Describe General Santa Anna And...
as both claiming a tremendous victory over each other : there was a fierce battle which lasted for two days; there was terrible carnage; each called upon the other to surrender......
The Intelligence From Madrid Is Agreeable In Its Drift, But
un- satisfactory in evidences of authenticity. Queen Isabella has emancipated herself from blue devils, camarilla, anti-national policy, French bonnet, Monsieur Bresson, mamma,......
The French Government Has Laid Before The Chambers A Bill
to prune the tariff of Customs-duties. The measure does not in any respect trench upon what may be called the substance of the tariff or the spirit of its policy. Nearly three......
Debates Anb Lprottebings In Ari Talncnt.
MILITARY REFORMS. MILITARY REFORMS. In the House of Commons, on Monday, the order of the day for going into Committee on the remaining Military and Naval Estimates was the......