East India Shipping.
The Lady Feversham, Webster, from London to Bombay, put into Bahia on the 24th Sept. leaky. arrived—At Gravesend. Nov. 9th, Ino, Wheel:tit ; and 13th, Eliza, Lay, from Bengal.......
Treasury Minute On Postage.
Doted the 12th November 1839. My Lords read the act 2d and 3d Viet., cap. 52, for the further regulation of the Duties on Postage until the 5th October 1840. Since the......
The Theatres.
Tim successful debut of Miss Deem In Cis/dere/fa, has tarned the tide of the fortunes of old Pratt's', erst at their lowest ebb : great is the influx on the nights when the new......
Love Is Exerting His All-powerful Sway At Covent Garden :
nightly does he go forth conquering and to conquer ; and the tension of his bow being increased by shorteuing the siring, the well - aimed shafts come twanging off, and pierce......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCIIAKOE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. • The only material variation that has occurred during the week in the Go. vernment 'Securities, has been in the price of Exchequer Bills,......