16 MAY 1969, page 30

Consumer's Choice

Sir: Mr Thompson, on it being pointed out (Letters, 2 May) that he has made an invalid analogy, cannot avoid the fact by admitting, in effect, that he, not I, failed to compare......

Sir: Mr Ludovic Kennedy (9 May) Must Surely Have Been

unfortunate in never having heard the passage he quotes (Matthew ii. 1-8) read correctly. In the four parishes (Church of Eng- land and Church of Ireland) in which I have......

Good King Charles's Golden Days

Sir: Why must your Roman Catholic contribu- tors constantly snipe at those who have the temerity to be Protestant? Thus Denis Brogan (2 May) on de Gaulle's resignation—'Now......

Sir: In Reading Mr Ludovic Kennedy's 'a Lesson In...

(9 May) one sus- pects that his inward eye glistened as he pored over the first eight verses of St Matthew, chap- ter ii, which he was invited to read by his local minister last......

Pastor Resartus

Sir: I hesitate to take issue with so eminent a scholar as Sir Denis Brogan ('Table talk,' 9 May) but his assertion that the Cardinal's hat was never seen in public until after......

Towards A Nuclear Europe

Sir : Professor Laurence Martin, in his article entitled 'Towards a nuclear Europe' (25 April), wrote: `Mr McNamara has long asserted . . . that nuclear weapons can serve only......

The Expendability Of Harold

Sir: In view of your past attacks on the Prime Minister one is not surprised to find the hysterical mood in which today's often manu- factured and grossly exaggerated......

The Whole'hog

Sir: For archivists of the contemporary bour- geois mind, Mr G. E. Hubbard's letter (2 May), with its dithering liberal uncertainty about who is being 'quite serious,' and Mr......