16 JUNE 1928, page 12

Hope For Co-operation.

It is very remarkable in England how often the best work, even in research, is to the credit of private persons who, in most cases, have commercial interests. Again and again......

Flower Colours,

No gardener, however expert, can keep up with the names, much less the nature, of new varieties of flowers. To take only two classes, every year several hundred varieties of......

Rural Names.

On the subject of names I cannot forbear quoting a para- graph from a local analysis of the latest register of names in the small city of St. Albans. An ingenious resident has......

June Showers.

Did ever rain do more certain good than the thunder • showers of a more than usually gentle sort ? In the Home Counties a number of newly afforested trees, that had been dying......


A very large number of these old trees have local names, very delightful local names, though it has not always been easy to disentangle them. One of the better varieties is......

Country Life

REVIVING ORCHARDS. Any observant traveller in the West of England will notice at intervals how many relies there are of old orchards, now gone utterly to ruin ; and in very......

Perry Pears.

The history of perry and cider is interesting. They were both peculiarly popular in the Napoleonic wars, when the need of grain for food depressed the making of beer ; and a......