16 JUNE 1860, page 20


M. Brindeau's engagement at the St. James's terminated on Monday last ; and light pieces, in which the principal parts are sustained by M. Paul Devaux and Mademoiselle Duverger,......

Literary News.

A " Handbook of the Constitution : being a summary of the Rise, Pro- gress, and Present State of the Laws of England," by Alfred P. Hens- man, B.A., Barrister-at-Law, is......

Parisian Theatricals.

M. Alexandre Dumas the elder is again before the public as, a dra- matic author, having written a piece in five 'acts, called L' Ewen 'd' tote Conspiration, which is performed......


- Within our memory the Italian Opera nights were only two in the week, Tuesday and Saturday. Then Thursday was added, as an " extra - Within our memory the Italian Opera nights......

Lint Arts.

THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. The Directors of this Society for promoting the fine arta require to be reminded occasionally of the importance of their duty. With their avowed......