The Universal Church. (triibner.)—what Is This "universal...
read this book, or as much as an endurance somewhat above the average has permitted, and are not the wiser. Certainly it is not Christianity, of which indeed our author......
Victoria, The British Eldorado. By "a Colonist Of Twenty...
standing." (Stanford.)—The " Colonist's " picture of Melbourne and the province generally is tinged, of course, with a certain couleur de rose, but it seems trustworthy. The......
Ensemble. By Wat. Bradwood. 3 Vols. (chapman And Hall.)— "
Ensemble " is the history of a friendship between a very vigorous Orestes, "Ralph," and a somewhat womanish Pylades, "Ruby." Ralph is indeed a hero. He rows in a victorious......
Current Literature.
The Church of England and the Church of Rome. By the Rev. J. Llewelyn Davies. (Martin.)—This little volume is written with all the acuteness, and calmness and moderation of......
Three Weddings.' By The Author Of "dorothy." (longmans.)—...
of this little tale is literally correct. There are "three" weddings of which it gives us the history ; but the real interest centres in the history of one, the marriage between......
Hedged In. By Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. (sampson Low And Co.)
—A. tale on a painful subject, but told with the best possible taste and feeling. A young girl, living in one of those dens of misery and crime, in which Now York rivals the......