16 JULY 1859, page 15

England And America.

WE have already been in controversy with Mr. Cobden's published opinions, and the most recent composition from his hands that has been printed again challenges our dissent ; e,......

Zettzr Tn T4t Attar.

RUSSIA, FRANCE, AND GERMANY. July 7th. Sin—It has recently been affirmed by Prince Gortschakoff, and reiterated by Count Walewski, in his circular despatch to Germany, that the......


BIJEGOYNE'S MILITARY OPINIONS. ° Mama has been expected from Sir John Burgoyne's long-an- nounced work, and the lover of sound and solid food will not be disappointed. From the......

The Prison As A Schoolroom Door.

MANY will remember that passage in Edward Gibbon Wakefield's England and America, where he describes a girl sitting, in mute despairing thought, before the gates of a Magdalen......