16 JANUARY 1897, page 14
'11:11, Japanese Deer At Powerscourt.
A MONG the many efforts at acclimatising the larger wild animals of foreign countries in the British Islands, none has met with success so complete as that by which Lord......
The Rev. Osborne Jay.
[To THE EDITOR OT Tax " SprcrAros.'] SIR,—Kindly grant me a portion of your space that / may make an, to me, important avowal. In my letter to you, pub- lished on January 2nd, I......
Letters To The Editor.
MR. FREDERIC HARRISON ON THE RELIGIOUS REACTION. 2112 EDITOR Of TEl " firscrAroz.") SIR,—May I point out that your article, "Mr. Frederic Harrison on the Religious Reaction," in......