16 APRIL 1948, page 17

A Fixed Easter

SIR,--Mr. Warren Postbridge states in his article on a fixed Easter that the Act dealing with this matter passed through the Houses in 1928 without a division. This is not quite......

Christians And Western Union

SIR,—A campaign to rally Christians to positive action in support of the Union of Western Europe in order that it may be directed along Christian lines, and to encourage them,......

Restaurants And The Colour Bar

SIR,—I have been a frequenter of Rule's Restaurant in Maiden Lane for twenty years, off and on. Recently its proprietor refused admittance to a West African gentleman. The......

"the Friend Of India "

SIR,—The Spectator in its issue of April 2nd sends a message of congratu- lation and good wishes to The Statesman, the well-known Calcutta and Delhi daily ; and in this......

Sta,—i Was Most Interested In Your Article A Fixed-date...

Surely everyone would prefer it to be so, though I feel that the contributor did not go as deep as he might have done. If one section of Christendom decided to keep to the old......

Czechoslovak Refugees

Sm,—Representatives of political refugees from Czechoslovakia have formed a relief committee in London. Czechoslovakia has once more fallen victim to brute force, her freedom......

Health And Education Services

SIR,—In reply to the letter from "Parent and Taxpayer " in which he complains of his inability to gain admission for his children to a State secondary school through lack of......

" Meals And Mischief "

Snt,—May I, a member of the teaching profession, say how much I welcomed Mr. Garrett's article in last week's issue of The Spectator. After the prominence given in the Press to......