15 SEPTEMBER 1967, page 23

Public Ends And Private Means

LETTERS From John Ashe, William. Doyle, Brian Burrows, Richard -Portes, Dr I. C. Spence, S. P. Best, Sir Denis 'Brogan, P. Thomson, Anthony Froshaug. Sir; In his letter (I'......

Sir: I Read J. H. Plumb's Lament With Much Interest

and growing sympathy. My particular interest in historical demography and the applica- tion of the methods of computing science to his- torical and demographic studies have......

The Significance Of Mr Crosland

Sir: On the front page of your issue of I September you make a reference to Dr Thomas Balogh which. might be interpreted to mean that he could find some personal advantage in......

Danger : People

Sir: It is a pity that Michael Watts's exposition of the problems presented by our increasing popu- lation (8 September) is marred by his failure to produce practicable answers.......

An Historian's Lament

Sir: Dr T. H. Plumb'i views on history, historians, and the role of both in modern society have be- come widely known over the last few years, especi- ally to readers of the......