15 MAY 1920, page 14

Sortes Virgilianae.

[TO TM EDITOR OP "PRE "SPECTATOR.") &n,—Yon gave us "Sortes Virgilianae" on the War. May we have some on the. Peace? The Georgics were written primarily to promote the policy......

"the Apostle Of Achill."

[To TRIP EDITOR Or 1712 "SPIOCTATOR."1 SIR,—In the review of From Authorit y to Beason which appears in last week's issue of the Spectator reference is made to "Mr. Nagle, late......

An Otter Story.

• [To aare Rome or me "Sezersroa."i Sin, — The review of the book, Secrets of Animal Life (Spectator, April 10th), expresses so much sympathy with the otter that am tempted to......


LA 'LANGUE DES PETITS OISEATTX. (" Le francais c'est /a hingue de petits oiseaux.") PAR un jour d'orage, aux nuages 'nonevents, Par la bruine et la him sous un ciel ingrat.......

The Theatre.

"THE SKIN GAME," BY JOHN GALSWORTHY, ST. MARTIN'S THEATRE. Rusum called the human race a heap of agonising maggots, and it is upon this tart that Mr. Galsworthy has preached in......

Notice.—when " Correspondence " Or Articles Are Signed...

writer's name or initials, or with a pseudonym, or ars marked " , Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or......