15 JULY 1905, page 3

The Princess Of Wales Gave Birth To A Son On

Wednesday morning. The well-deserved popularity of the Prince and Princess among all classes makes the popular congratula- tions something more than a mere matter of formality......

We Are Glad To Note That Sir Henry Kimber And

the Members of Parliament who act with him, and who believe in a thorough and not a sham Redistribution scheme, have in temperate, but none the less firm, language urged upon......

At A Banquet Given Last Saturday By The American Society

in London in honour of Independence Day, Lord Lansdowne and Mr. Whitelaw Reid made excellent speeches. Lord Lansdowne put neatly the attitude of the two nations by saying that......

If No Amendment Is Made In The Resolution, It Is

obvious that the reform affected will be most inadequate, so in- adequate, indeed, that we are not sure that it would not be better to leave the matter alone, and wait for a......

On Friday Week Mr. Chamberlain Addressed The Annual...

the Tariff Reform League in the Albert Hall. The speech followed the lines which are now only too familiar. His proposals would lower the cost of living among the poor, relieve......

At Bisley On Thursday The Spectator Prizes (first,...

third) were won by the Manchester, City, and London and South-Western Railway Clubs. Twenty-nine rifle clubs in all competed. We offer our heartiest congratulations to the......

We Greatly Regret The Want Of Tact And Good Feeling

which on Wednesday evening induced the Opposition to object to the payment of 25,000 a year to Lord Roberts, and to speak of that payment as if it were something strange and......

On Thursday In The House Of Commons Mr. Mccrae Moved

a reduction of £100 in the Volunteer Vote of 21,220,000 in order to call attention to the present War Office policy towards the Volunteers. A number of speakers, including Sir......

On Wednesday Afternoon The Debate On The Second Reading Of

the Churches (Scotland) Bill was resumed in the House of Commons, the amendment attacking clause 5 coming under discussion. Mr. Arthur Elliot made a clear and conciliatory......