15 JULY 1871, page 11


THE LIFE OF SHAFTESBURY.* FEW English statesmen have borne a worse character than the first Earl of Shaftesbury, or afforded a better illustration of the pro- verb, " Give a dog......


FROM HEINE. KIND, Wilt WAREN KINDER." My child, we then were children, Two children little and gay ; To the fowl-house we went creeping, And hid ourselves under the hay. The......

A Menu Of Guests.

P OOR John Leech's worthy successor, Mr. Du Maurier, who every week softens the hearts of women towards Punch— they have hated Punch ever since Jerrold's time—by his incom-......

Letter To , The Editor.

MR. CROOKES' ARTICLE IN THE " QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF SCIENCE." [To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—Allow me to draw the attention of your readers to two points,—one......