15 DECEMBER 1877, page 3

The Berlin Correspondent Of The Times, In A Very Remarkable

letter, published on Tuesday, the 11th inst., states that the weak- ness of the Prussian Parliament is due to three causes. In the first place, Ministers are rarely taken from......

Our Government Is Evidently Inclined To Protect The Home...

trade, and with it the rents of the owners of land. The Special Committee appointed to inquire into the prevalence of cattle plague and other similar diseases has reported in......

The Licensing Bench Of Magistrates At Lincoln Had A Curious

case to decide yesterday week, and decided it in a curious way. A publican named Wheatley, living at Saxilby, was charged with having chained up his wife—with about a yard's......

Why Do Not The Great Number Of Rich People Who

leave their money to Charities take a little more pains to think of adapting those charities to the newer wants of the world. In America they do seem to do this. We have not......

On Tuesday A Meeting Was Held At The Society Of

Arts in favour of the Association for befriending the girls sent out to service from pauper schools, who, if not befriended and looked after for the first few years, are almost......

Dr. Schliemann Delivered An Address At The Birkbeck...

yesterday week, on occasion of the distribution of the prizes, in which he declared that if boys were only taught modern Greek first,—which he had learnt in six weeks,—they......

The Report On The Turret•ship ' Inflexible,' If Carefully...

seems to substantiate Mr. E. J. Reed's criticism on the question- ably stability of that ship under trying circumstances. At least the Committee, in spite of their sanguine......

Captain Culver, Rn., F.r.s., Is A Very Unpleasant Person. He

was requested by the Conservators of the Thames to report upon the changes in the river since the completion of the new .drainage works, and his Report is not nice reading. He......

Consols Were On Friday 95+ To 95+ X.d.


Is Mr. Parnell, The Great Irish Obstructionist, About To...

a new departure? In a speech to a meeting at Castlebar on Satur- day, he said, in words which the Times professes to give textually, "Let no man lightly define the measure of......