Unnatural Childbirth
SIR,—As a practising midwife of twelve Yea rs experience I should like to sympathise with Monica, Furlong's comments on her experiences in hospita l at the time of the birth of......
Patron Or Dictator?
SIR,—The Arts Council ' s mishandling of its relations with the Carl Rosa Trust has compelled me to speak publicly and often on the subject - far oftener than I could have......
Subsidised Parking?
SIR. - May I take issue with Mr. Gavin Lyall, who criticises the Road Traffic and Roads Improvement Bill on the ground that it does not provide for Treasury grants to be paid to......
• E Bbc ' S Yugoslav Service Carleton Greene Seems To...
the !ssue by stressing that the service is ' firmly in British But is British necessarily synonymous with e k nra Petent - this may be doubted in the case of tu.ro ad casts to a......
El Dorado
SHL—May I offer my sympathy to Miss Penelope Gilliatt for the disgust she experienced while visiting what she considered to be my country and my people? I can readily imagine......
Sir,—in His Article On State Patronage Recently, Mr....
appears to be concerned with the cultural health of the provinces. He finds them barren and their activities under - subsidised, and he pins the blame for this on the Arts......