Sir,—you Have Been Very Generous In The Space You Have
allowed your critics. But, Sir, if you have no evidence to support the serious allegations made by Mr. Fairlie, suggesting that certain people and newspapers attempted to......
Letters To The Editor
`The Establishment' Malcolm Muggeridge, Morley Richards, Hon. David Astor, Randolph S. Churchill, John Gordon, Arthur Mann, Frank Whitmarsh, Colm Brogan Some of my Best Friends......
Sir,—in A Footnote You Appended To A Letter Of Lady
Violet Bonham Carter in your issue of 'October 7, you imply that she had no right to claim me as one of her supporters in condemn- ing the methods adopted by certain journalists......
Sir,—mr. Fairlie, Commenting On My Letter In Last Week's...
writes: `Mr. Churchill spends most of his time conducting assaults on the "Establishment." The reason why, in this specific case, he has rallied to the "Establishment's" side......
Snt,—mr. David Astor Is Quite Wrong When He States That
our interview with Mrs. Melinda Maclean was 'demonstrably false.' Mrs. Maclean spoke" freely to our reporter as she had done on a number of previous occasions. She was aware......
Snt,—at Times I Have Criticised You. May 1 Now Balance
that with a word of praise and commendation? When Burgess and Maclean fled the country you were inclined to join that group of high- placed oddities who yapped at those alert......
99 Gower Street, London, W.c.1
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