The "great Sea-serpent "seems To Beat Last Authenticated....
papers publish a formal report addressed to the Admiralty by Captain Peter M'Qabie, of the Royal frigate Daedalus, describing a sea-serpent beheld by him and other officers of......
Our Attention Has Been Called To Statements Opposed To Views
set forth in out last paper under the head " Obstruction of the Transit to India." It is represented, that there were not two but four mails in each month, two by way of......
At A Convocation Holden At Oxford, On Saturday, The Duke
of Welling- ton, by letter, nominated the Reverend Frederick Charles Plumptre, D.IY., Master of University, to succeed the Reverend Dr. Symons, Warden of Wadham, in the office......
The Theatres.
Covent Garden is now open as an English Operahouse, under the management of Mr. Bunn; whose season terminates, of course, with the reopening of the Royal Italian Opera, in March......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. A decline of about 1 per cent has occurred in the prices of the English Funds, without any large sales or business of importance. The downward......