14 MAY 1954, page 7

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not

The Soviet Government, though dedicated by its dogmas to promoting discord between nations, races and classes, likes to have, as it were, a small saving bet on the horse of......

Demonology And Dandruff

The principal subjects announced for presentation to th annual meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science at Oxford next September include the relationshi......

A Spectator's Notebook

OU can't organise friendship. Either it happens or it doesn't." So wrote one of the 5,000 American servicemen to whom the Daily Mirror circulated a searching questionnaire about......

The Letter

, Mr. Bevan's decision not to proceed with an appeal against h is conviction at Beaconsfield on two motoring charges makes It possible to comment in public on a feature of the......

Crisis For The West

T HE immediate task for the Western Powers is to salvage something from the wreck in South-East Asia. It would be inconsistent not to make the attempt, since the whole of......

George Hirst's Last Hat-trick

George Hirst had an extraordinary sweetness of character, and at Eton, a place not much given to idolatry, he was dearly loved and deeply respected. Not many cricket-coaches......