Nothing Personal
Sir: John O'Sullivan offers a left-handed (or is it right-handed?) defence of Pat Buchanan against the charge of anti- Semitism (`Some of his best friends are Jewish', 29......
Jailhouse Rot
Sir: I am writing to you to put the record straight over Wilfred De'Ath's article on Dixon House which I must say was inaccu- rate on many points and offensive on oth- ers......
Bring Back Ducking
Sir: Africa has something to offer to the British debate on 'the law and order card' (Politics, 15 February). In the 1970s I was working among the Afar in Ethiopia and noticed......
A Pensioner Writes
Sir: There has been so much rewriting of history by the Daily Mirror over the past few months that I thought it might be helpful if I added to the very full letter from Joe......
Sir: So William De'ath Is Profoundly Opposed To Drugs. Well,
I am profoundly opposed to unrepentant thieves: especially those who have not even the excuse of a poor education. What is The Spectator com- ing to when a shameless free-loader......