The Churches Which Represent Extreme Parties, East And...
and South, are in renewed commotion. This week St. George's-in-the-East has been the scene of another disgraceful esronnotion ; the Reverend Bryan King having pursued his......
It Is A Remarkable Fact That None Of Her Majesty's
Ministers attended the dinner of the Lord Mayor on Easter Monday. The Duke of Cambridge was the hero of the evening, and made a sensible speech on the condition of the Army, and......
Int Tout.
II lea keeping Easter at Windsor Castle, her Majesty departed thence, on Tuesday, for Aldershot Camp, where ehe arrived the same evening. She was accompanied by the Prince......
President Buchanan Has Earned The Lasting Gratitude Of...
republic, by nobly vindicating the highest office in the commonwealth against dangerous encroachments attempted upon it by party inp1 wIght form—that of politico* sett; I......
The annual banquet at the Mansionhouse, on Easter Monday, was not attended by her Majesty's Ministers. The distinguished company pre- chided, however, the Duke of Cambridge, o......