The R.a.f. In Germany
It must not be forgotten that whilst London is being sub- jected night by night to the most ruthless indiscriminate bom- bardment from the air, against which at present no......
A Council Of The Allies
A month ago The Spectator advocated the creation of an Allied Council in London. The case for such a step becomes stronger as time passes. We have assembled in the chief city of......
Japan's Demand On Indo-china
In regard to Indo-China, Japan has to balance her desire to take advantage of the weak position of the French in that country against her fear of driving the United States to......
The Vichy Government
Whilst the Vichy Government in France continues to try to justify its existence by vilifying its predecessors, it misses no opportunity of seeking to ingratiate itself with......
Revolution In Rumania
The Hungarian march into Translyvania, the assumption of full dictatorial powers by General Antonescu, the abdication of King Carol in favour of his young son Michael and his......
Italian Demands On Syria
Much as the Vichy Government desires to keep on good terms with Germany, its affability does not extend in the same way to Italy, and it must feel uneasy at her attempts to......
Reinforce Rnents For Egypt
The announcement of the heavy reinforcements which both our Mediterranean Fleet and our land forces in the Middle East have received in the course of the past week is......