13 OCTOBER 1939, page 19

War Aims

SIR,—I always read with more than ordinary interest any- thing written by my friend, Mr. J. C. Hardwick. His comment on the slogan "Destroy Hitlerism," in your issue of October......

Rejected Volunteers

SIR, —Mr. James Kinross' letter is indicative of the absurd attitude which is being adopted by Recruiting Authorities. My experience of the Joint Recruiting Boards at the......

After Hitlerism

SIR,—Canon Roger Lloyd in his article last week points to Germany as a menace because she has fought four wars in less than a hundred years. We have got a much more imposing......

" My Fuhrer's Aim "

SIR,-It is astonishing to read the assertion of your corre- spondent " Diplomaticus " that Hitler's lust for world power for Germany is in fundamental contrast to the aim of all......

Warfare By Leaflet

SIR, —Your article on " Warfare by Leaflet " is a welcome attempt, after a month of war, to estimate the effectiveness of British propaganda. Since Germans are unable to read......