13 OCTOBER 1917, page 13

Two Birds Witir One Stone.

(To THE EDITOT or one " Sezereroa."1 Stit,—On getting in my pass-book, I find I have T200 surplus. If I buy War Loan, I shall be investing it to my own profit. If I give it to......

What Is India ?

[To THE EDITOT OF THE "SPECTAT03."] Son,—The article on Mrs. Besant in your issue of September 20111 requires correction on one or two points. All will agree with your......

King George's Fund For Sailors.

[To THE Snares or THE SPECIATOR."l Sm,—The great Marine charities of this country have through long years rendered continuous and much needed service to the seafaring membors of......

[to Toe Editot Of The "spectator:']

Sts,—I am sorry that Captain Williams-Ellis should think that any part of my letter in your issue of September 15th pallid:, of the nature of "nonsense"; but, with no desire to......

T1112 Boot Of Social Reform.

[To 7UE EDITO1 OF THE " SPECTATOR."' SIII,—Whet your correspondent " L. W." in the Spectator of September 11th appeals for the suppression of National Schemes in favour of the......