13 MAY 1966, page 9

Spectator's Notebook

I fs excellent news that the Anglo-Rhodesian talks have begun and seem all set to continue for some time, on the apparently 'neutral' ground of the old India Office. It's still......

The Beauffre Plan

The second and greater barrier, of course, is the row over the organisation of European de- fence. which has at its core differing views of the proper relationship between......

John Bull As A One-time City Editor Myself, I've Had

plenty of experience of the acute difficulty of finding first-rate financial journalists. So I'm par- ticularly glad to welcome to the srucriatra's financial pages a new weekly......

Closed Door To Europe A Brief But Busy Visit To

Paris last week con- vinces me that, for all Mr Brown's European speeches, at the present time, France—what- ever sweet nothings she may murmur—has no intention of admitting......


One or two economists have been writing to The Times in praise of the new Selective Employ- ment Tax, on the grounds that by taxing ser- vices the Government is doing something......


The King's Man From MURRAY KEMPTON NEW YORK TT is a painful thought to all who cherish one or 'the other: but the current Vice-President Humphrey is unexpectedly like the old......

Somehow, Hov‘ever, I Don't Think It's Going To Happen. But

if I'm wrong and the Chancellor really is determined to remove distortions he could do a good deal worse than start with housing. First the Government further dis- courages the......