AMERICAN DIPLOMACY.* A VERY abundant war literature shows not only the deep interest evoked in America by the great struggle now in progress, but also amply testifies to the......
An Appeal.
ITO THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—I am venturing to ask the help of the readers of the Spectator on behalf of St. Mary's Convalescent Home, Birchington-on-Sea. This Home......
Children ' S Country Holidays Fund.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] Sui,—The heavy toll of life taken by the war has taught us with greater force than ever to guard the future by caring for the children of......
SOLDIERS AT PEACE. GRIEVE not for these, whose still unfading spring Is graven deep in England's memory : Grieve not for these, who have no perishing Hang high their swords in......
Notice.—when "correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed With...
or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked " Communi- cated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode......