The Demand For Female Domestic In South Africa.
110 THE ICULTOlt or Ten "Srsaveirort."] think it may interest some of your readers to know that there continues to exist in South Africa a very strong demand for female domestic......
Indian Mohammedans And Lord Morley's Reforms.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE SPECTATOR."] Sum, — The last sentence of the interesting article on this subject which appeared in your iesue of January 30th runs : " The British people......
The Report On The Lords.
[To TUN EDITOTt OF THII "SPEOTATOR." . 1 SIR,—Canada is atilt a political dependency of England. Her Constitution is an Act of the British Parliament, subject to change by the......
The Liberal Party And Socialism.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOLL.” SIR,—We are indebted to Mr. Arthur Ponsonby, M.P., for clearing the air. I assume he receives the Government whips, and is a recognised......
The Over-representation Of Home-rule And Its Results.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sin,—Home-rule is represented by eighty-three seats, whereas it is entitled at most to forty-five. For many years the Spectator drew Mr.......