13 JANUARY 1973, page 24


Against their will John Rowan Wilson A girl once came to me with a most remarkable deformity of her leg. About three inches above the left ankle, the bone, instead of being......

Entente Cordiale

Sir: " If the Brussels criteria for professional qualifications are applied, by 1977, 55,000 chartered accountants will be unable to practice either in England or in Europe." So......

From Sir Alec Clegg

Sir: I was so interested in your article on low reading standards that I asked our County Librarian how devastating the effect was on the borrowings from his library. To my......

Sir: Many Teachers And Others Interested In Education...

heartily with your gloomy description of the faults and failings in much of current educational practice (January 6). Certainly the fads and fancies of so-called progressive......