Motor-cycles To Cost More.
Owing to the increase in the cost of tyres, motor-cycles have been advanced in price by 10s. on each solo and 5s. on each sidecar. Profits are cut so fine nowadays that had......
Motoring Notes
A PLEA FOR A FUEL TAX ALMOST everyone, I think, is agreed that the present system of motor-car taxation is far from ideal, but in spite of strenuous efforts from time to time to......
White Gloves For Motorists.
Mr. Stenson Cooke, the Secretary of the Automobile Asso- ciation, has asked me to appeal to drivers of motor-cars to wear a white glove on the right hand, especially in fading......
A LETTER FROM CAMBRIDGE [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Necrology must inevitably figure largely in a university chronicle, but at the beginning of this term the......
Registrations And Licenses.
The approximate number of vehicles for which licences were granted during 1921-24 and the approximate number of driving licences are :- Year. Vehicles. Driving Licences. 1921 •......
* Motorists In France.
Owing to the large number of motorists who are visiting France, the R.A.C. desires again to call the attention of all visitors to the necessity of complying with the French law......
Road Fund Finance.
According to an official report the principal liabilities of the Road Fund exceeded the balance by about £18,000,000 at the end of last March. The sum allocated to the repair of......