13 AUGUST 1904, page 16

The Report Of The Slaughtering Committee.

SIR,—Among the editorial comments in your issue of July 30th there appeared a brief reference approving the Report of the Committee appointed by the Admiralty to consider the......

A Surrey Rifle Club Field Day: A Correction.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. " ] SIR,—In the interesting letter under the above heading in your issue of August 6th " Z." makes a statement which I must. in the interest of......

A Cat And Dog Story.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sra,—Can you find room for a cat and dog story P We have here an old Irish terrier who generally considers himself past fighting, and also a......

[" It Is Greatly To Be Hoped That London Will

not lose the incalculable benefits of the Hampstead Heath extension owing to the failure to raise the last 45,t03."—Spectator, July 30th.] THEY never ask, they never hope, to......

Dante Gabriel Rossetti.* One Thing Which This Little Book On

Rossetti makes very clear is that in Mr. Benson we have a new biographer of exceptional gifts of sympathy and judgment, endowed, moreover, with as serviceable a prose style as......