13 AUGUST 1859, page 2

In Domestic Annals The Most Novel Event Is The Completion

of the Great Eastern, the trial of its gigantic engines, and a convivial celebration on board with Lord Stanley for chair- man. So far all looks well for the big ship. She will......

The Employers And Operatives In The Building Trade Are Now

fairly aux prises. The men having refused to sign the docu- ment, the employers have locked them out. The leaders of the men sit in Conference, and the employers sit in......

Matto Nu Rnrttlaugn In Vortiamtut.

PRINCIPAL BUSINESS OF TEE WEER. Holum or Loans. Monday, August 8. Royal Assent to the Charing Cross Bail- Way Bill—Colonial Legislatures Power of Repeal Bill—Admiralty Court......

The Plenipotentiaries Of Austria, France, And Sardinia...

Zurich, and some hitch has occurred in their proceedings. The Sardinian minister has been excluded and one of the Aus- trians has started for Vienna. Is it true, then, that......

The Government Have Brought In A Bill And Carried It

through the House of Commons to raise the limit of the local force of Europeans to be maintained in India to 30,000. Although the measure is ostensibly intended to cover any......