Postscript To The Week's News.
SPECTATOR OFFICE, SATURDAY, Two o'Ceocx. There are several private expresses from Paris this morning; but their contents have not transpired. From Poland no news has been......
The Queen's Relations.—his Majesty's Steam-vessel Meteor...
at 'Woolwich, from Rotterdam, with her Serene Highness the Duchess and the Princes Edward and Frederick of Saxe Weimar. They immediately proceeded to Windsor. GOODWOOD......
The Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EVENING. — Consols on Saturday, after being forced down so low as ;at closed at 80a ; Exchequer Bills left off at Gs to Se. premium. On Monday, the panic......
East India Shipping.
The Thorne, Poole, from the Cape of Good Hope to London, was totally wrecked in Table Bay on the 18th of May. Arrived, At Gravesend, August 7th, Corsair, Robinson, from Manias;......