Established Church
From the Rev. Victor Hellabv Sir: Your editorial of April 6 will have pleased many, besides myself, who are not Establishment bashers, and on the contrary would champion all......
From Dr. Michael Bell
Sir: Far abler pens than mine will be able to discuss the pros and cons for the establishment of the Church of England. I agree with you that it seems absurd and illogical that......
Sir: "the Church Of England Is An Established Church," You
write, "or it is nothing." Your love of a rhetorical punch line has led you to make an absurd statement. If the Church of England were disestablished, it would still remain a......
Cap—social Policy
Sir: How it would simplify things if farmers were machines and not people. Gerald Segal's letter from Brussels (in your issue of March 30) implied that the fundamental problem......
Melchett Trust
Sir: I am writing to comment on Skinflint's remarks (The Spectator, March 30) about the Julian Melchett Trust, whsich is being set up to pursue social objectives in steelmaking......
Sir: I am delighted to answer Mr George Martelli's questions to me (April 6) on pornography, arising out of my review of Lord Longford's The Grain of Wheat (March 23). Here are......