12 SEPTEMBER 1925, page 27

Current Literature

OUR readers will remember how vice at Singapore was lately the cause of some courageous letters which we felt bound to publish on public grounds in spite of the repulsive nature......

The British Year Book Of ,international Law, 1925. (h....

lee. net.) This invaluable _ year-book, which is edited at , Chatham House, the headquarters of the. British Institiite of Inter- national Affairs, is now in its sixth year and......

The Work Of The League

The League of Nations : A. Survey (January, 1920-June, 1925) (Geneva : Information Section, League of Nations Secretariat. 20 cents. London: Constable. Is.) This short survey of......

British Archives And The Sources For The History Of The

WORLD WAR. By Hubert Hall. (Oxford University Press. 16s. net.) Tins book is an extremely useful addition to the series published on behalf of the Carnegie Endowment for Inter-......

Benjamin Fawcett : Colour Printer And Engraver. By M. C.

F. Morris, B.C.L. (Oxford University Press. 5s.) Ma. Moms is well qualified to write the life of Benjamin Fawcett, whose illustrations to British Birds and many other books......


OLD AND NEW WORLDS Tim experience of the young farmer-hero of Backfurrow is in a sense the experience of all America. Thrown into the world, without responsibilities or......