12 OCTOBER 2002, page 40

Enron Correction

From Mr Dan Weeks Sir: I would like to qualify Charlotte Metcalf s assertion (Victims of their own greed', 5 October) that Enron's pension plan was 'tied to' the company's......

Care-home Cruelty

From Brenda Murray Sir: Re 'Departure lounge' (5 October): every word rings true. I have been visiting friends in these homes for more than 20 years and have long wondered what......

Farmers In Crisis

From Lord Vinson of Roddarn Dene Sir: Michael Hanlon's provocative article (`Throw them to the wolves', 21 September) on British agriculture misses two essential points. The......

Barbara's Bad Language

From Rosalind and Leonard Ingrams Sir: The final entry of Barbara Amiel's New York diary (28 September) contains a reference to the Palestinians so ugly that it recalls the......

How Much Is Mary Paid?

From Mr Gordon Grender Sir: The chief executive of the NSPCC's letter (5 October) in response to Shelagh Shepherd's article (`The NSPCC harms children', 28 September) was......

A Target For Muggers

From Pamela Campbell Sir; I have read with interest the articles by Petronella Wyatt (Singular life, 28 September and 5 October) on mugging, because 1 have been mugged five......

Leah's Snoopy Ways

From Erik Leesen Sir; The trick about having a good time in Norway is not to tell snoops from boring, politically correct countries like Leah McLaren's Canada ( - The Vikings......