12 MAY 1967, page 24

Why All This Fuss About Sex?

Sir : As a teenage reader who has recently de- veloped the concise philosophy towards sex—'Why all this fuss about sex?'-1 was elated and reassured by John Rowan Wilson's......

Nil Nisi Bonum

Sir: It may be true of national and international figures, as Donald McLachlan asserts (28 April), that to make sure of the best (obituary) treatment it is vital to survive to a......


Sir: In recent years there has been a growing interest in Western Europe as well as in America in questions relating to phenomenology and existentialism. These questions overlap......

Greece And Democracy

LETTERS From lolo Davies, Marianne Pu.cley, C. Good- son Wickes, Mrs R. L. broad. Olga Franklin, Frank Mac Derntot, H. Whitethread, Maurice B. Reckitt. D. Caradog Jones and......

Arch-reactionary ?

Sir: By saying that 'intellectually most of Burke's political philosophy is utter rubbish,' Professor J. H. Plumb (5 May) displays a facile super- ficiality characteristic of......

In Defence Of English

Sir: May I congratulate Mr Playfair on his article (28 April)? But why does he not mention the ugliest, most irritating and most prevalent of modern cockneyisms, namely the......

Eliot's Entire Corpus

Sir: If Eliot sang 'What did Robinson Crusoe do with Friday on Saturday Night?' he was in error, for the question raised in this admirable ballad fifty years ago was 'Where did......

Sir: Long Live John Rowan Wilson And His Views! Funny,

healthy, logical, his article should become a standard work on the subject. R. L. Broad The Look Out, Branscombe, Seaton, Devon......


Sir: So Svetlana Josipovna is a Martian, according to Mr Murray Kempton (5 May). Golly, by Jeeves, all these jolly old foreigners we have to mix with nowadays. I blame all this......