The Gate Of The Navy.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR."] Sra,—In your interesting article on the above subject in the Spectator of March 5th I think you overlook one very serious objection alike to......
America And Retaliation.
[To THE EDITOR OP TH2 " SPRCTATOR."] SrE, — In the Spectator of February 6th a letter from Mr. Atkinson, of Boston, suggests that, if imports into England from the United States......
[to The Editor Or The "spec R.crott."] Sir,—your Article In
the Spectator of March 5th on "The Gate of the Navy" is a sanguine one, and it is to be hoped that the results of the new method of selection will prove its justification. There...... The Editor Op The "spectator."] Sir,—in The...
January 23rd there appeared a letter over the signature of F. Horace Rose (Maritzburg) in which exception was vislently taken to the method adopted by the Rand Daily Mail in......