The French Deputies Are Employed In Discussing The...
debate has been generally dull ; though the Opposition speakers were GUIZOT, TRIERS, DU VERGIER DE HAURANNE, and ()DILLON BannoT. The principal Ministerial orators were Count......
The Accounts From Jamaica Are Unsatisfactory. The Members...
'dissolved Legislature have been reelected ; and Sir LIONEL SMITH Li likely to find his Lew Parliament as untractable as the last. The Negroes, also, were quarrelling with the......
There Is No Intelligence Of Interest This Week From The
Peninsula. Massacres and proscriptions continue on both sides of the quarrel in Spain.......
'eby Alttropoii4.
At a meeting of the City of London Corporation Reform Society, on Thursday, Mr. Hannen the Chairman stated, that the Society con- stantly received an accession of new members:......
The Body Of " Sympathizers " And " Patriots," Whose
incursion from Detroit into Upper Canada was mentioned -last week, were speedily defeated and dispersed by a very inferior force of Militia of the province. It is said that the......
Late Accounts From Constantinople Location Fresh...
against the Russian troops ; also that the Russian General had made another attempt to put an end to the rebellion, by the offer of thvourable terms; which the Circassians,......
On The 28th Of November, After A Cannonade Of' Four
hours and the loss of six men, the French Admiral commanding the squadron on the Mexican coast, off Vera Cruz, captured the fortress of St. Juan de 'non, once called......
The Harrisburg Affair Seems To Have Been Settled ; But
in what way, or by what means, is not clear. It is said that the troops as- sembled to prevent disturbances bad been dismissed : so it is pro- bable that something like a......
Ebe Court.
THE Queen returned to town, from Brighton, on Tuesday. Her Mn. jesty,-escorted by a party of Hussars, arrived at Buckingham Palace soon after three o'clock. In the evening,......