The Magazines.
IN the new Nineteenth Century Sir Roper Lethbridge leads off . with a paper on "Imperial Disintegration," prompted by the , Reciprocity Agreement between Canada and .the United......
The Journal Of Educat Con.1-
WE have noticed from time to time the annual volume of the Journal of Education, not unfrequently differing from its con- clusions, but always admiring the thoroughness with......
A Social Settlement In Chicago.*
HULL ROUSE is a woman's settlement which 'Miss Addams and her friend, Miss Starr, founded in Chicago early in 1889. It is not easy to define the purpose of these undertakings.......
The First Folio.*
WE must congratulate the publishers a This reprint upon the conclusion of their design of issuing fee:similes of each of the first four collected editions of 'Shakespeare's......