Raubier's Frederick The Second And His Times.
VON Rstimen visited England in the beginning of 1835, to pur- sue historical researches in the British Museum and the Stat e Paper 011ie°. He remained less than a twelvemonth;......
The Vocal Concerts.
THE fifth Vocal Concert was on Monday night, and consisted of the following selection. I. Coronation Anthem," My heart is MANDEL. 2. Glee." Mark a here the silver queen" R.......
The Tories Have A Sineular Mode Of Showing Their Attachment
to Mother Church. It is proposed that, in future, Church lands shall be let at a fair value, and that the increased revenue derived under the new system shall be applied to......
Spectator's Library.
Hi-Tony, Contributions to Modern History, from the British Museum and Stale Paper OfS ee „ By Frederick Von Ituumer.—Frederick the Sscond and his Times Knigh„ Letters from the......