Bank Op England.
531,741,800 531,741,010 An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 5th Victoria, rap. 32, for the week ending on Wednesday the 8th day of June 1859. z11.17. ....... Notesistned......
Mr. Milner Gibson Was The First Speaker. He Contended That
the present position of the Liberal party has been forced upon them by the Conservatives, and the course he should take had been forced upon him by the Government. Once he had......
BATItR.DAY MORNING. Our Paris correspondent supports the statement from him, which we published in our second edition last week, and now supplies us with news of far more......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCIIA1401, FRIDAY Ai rani; 00N, The Bank Directors yesterday reduced the rate of discount from 31 to 3 per cent ; this measure had been fully anticipated, and therefore......